Need To Know | Wall Space | Fees | How To Hang | Selling Work | Artist Reception | Marketing | Perks | Art Organizations

Fireside Lounge: | 1453 Webster St, Alameda, CA 94501 | (510) 864-1244
Need To Know | Wall Space | Fees | How To Hang | Selling Work | Artist Reception | Marketing | Perks | Art Organizations
Need To Know: Please carefully read this full page.
- Artwork rotates every 2 months.
- There are 4 walls at Fireside. Each wall is $20-$25. Accommodation is first come first serve. (ask about financial aid)
- Walls: #1A Left Panel, #1B Right Panel & #2 are hammer and nail method. Wall #3 is hook and wire (bring clips!). Make sure your work is properly prepared. (See photos below)
IMPORTANT: Only use requested hanging materials like hammer and nail or hook and wire.
DO NOT USE: Double stick tape, hanging strips, any type of adhesive or any kind of puddy!
DO USE: Blue painters tape or Scotch tape when hanging bios, tags, payment methods.
*Note: Roll the tape into a donut shape and place on the back of the tag or paper so that it is not visible. - Artists and/or art organizations are responsible for hanging and pulling down their own artwork. ArtPush will notify you when it is time to hang/pull.
- Bring a hanging kit. Ask a staff member for a step stool or ladder if needed.
- Work must be “Gallery Ready”. If you are not sure how to prepare your work, Google it, there are a ton of great how-to videos. Work not properly prepared, will not be allowed on the wall, even if it was approved. It is hard to see hanging issues through digital images.
- Administration & Holding Fee: $25. To be paid only after you have been confirmed by ArtPush. *Your Holding fee goes directly to non-profit to support art in your community. (ask about financial aid)
- Follow these instructions on how to submit your work via email to Fireside for acceptance.
- The artist is in charge of selling and collecting money for their own art. (More details below.)

Hanging Method: Hammer & Nail Approx. 8×4 $20

WALL #1B Front Room Right Panels
Hanging Method: Hammer & Nail 10×4 $20

Hanging Method: Hammer & Nail Approx.: 18×4 $25

Hanging Method: Hook & Wire (bring clips!)
The holding fee is an investment towards your space, a commitment that you will indeed show with us on the months you agree to. It takes time to find and coordinate artists. If we have someone drop out, it takes even more time to try to scramble to find a replacement.
The holding fee pays for the time ArtPush puts into promoting the original Call For Art, website maintenance, managing calendars and spreadsheets. In addition we often help promote the location, the artist and the event. See more details regarding this specifically below.
Financial Aid Is Available
If the $25 fee makes showing your work impossible, please feel free to discuss this with us so we can work something out with you. No one is turned away due to lack of funds.
*Your $25 Holding fees go directly to non-profit to support art in your community.
Hanging Fee due date: 1-2 Months prior to your confirmed show. Payable via Paypal or Venmo, you will receive this information after your work has been approved.
What you will need to bring with you to hang:
- Please be sure to bring your own hanging supplies.
- Email your signed Artist Agreement Form.
- Framed or printed bio to hang with work.
- Painting Information Tags that go with each individual piece.
- Create a “How To Purchase This Art Sign.” Sell your work right on the spot! Feel free to put your venmo or paypal information and/or your cell phone directly on your bio & tags. Please bring in new art to replace any sold work.
IMPORTANT: Only use requested hanging materials like hammer and nail or hook and wire.
DO NOT USE: Double stick tape, hanging strips, any type of adhesive or any kind of puddy!
DO USE: Blue painters tape or Scotch tape when hanging bios, tags, payment methods.
*Note: Roll the tape into a donut shape and place on the back of the tag or paper so that it is not visible.
- Always align the tops of your work and keep spacing in-between the work equal.
- Place your artist tag to the bottom right corner of your frame/art.
- Make sure your bio and payment information is placed in a highly visible area.
IMPORTANT: Only use requested hanging materials like hammer and nail or hook and wire.
DO NOT USE: Double stick tape, hanging strips, any type of adhesive or any kind of puddy!
DO USE: Blue painters tape or Scotch tape when hanging bios, tags, payment methods.
*Note: Roll the tape into a donut shape and place on the back of the tag or paper so that it is not visible. - Do not forget your tags. Once approved, Follow Instructions to complete forms and tags.

* Keep Artist Tags to bottom right corner

Artist tags should include: Title, Artist Name, Medium, Price Venmo & a way to message you, cellphone number or instagram handle. This is so you can sell your work on-the-spot.

* Example #1 of an artist’s payment information

* Example #2 of an artist’s payment information

It is the artist’s/Organization’s job to sell their own work. Be sure to have your proper contact and payment information on the wall. Artist’s can choose to allow someone to take it with them if they’ve paid, but do not leave a blank spot on the wall. Be sure to replace your sold piece asap. Work sells better when you sell it on the spot, if someone is interested don’t wait. However this is just a suggestion, artist’s can arrange to meet a client in person.
When arranging a sale over the phone and/or email, feel free to use the following method.
1. Put your phone number or instagram handle up on your artist tags and bio that accompany your work.
2. Put your Paypal email, Venmo info (or w/e $ src you use) on your price tags and bio.
3. Once a client’s payment has gone through allow them to remove your work to take home on-the-spot.
4. Replace the empty space with a new piece.
Important Notes:
- Do not allow the patron to take the work until you see the payment has cleared!
- Replace the empty spot.
- Fireside Lounge, Studio 23 & ArtPush are not responsible for stolen or damaged property.
Opening Reception: ( Optional) Fireside Lounge encourages artists to have an opening reception. The artist and/or organization is in charge of making arrangements with the owner Sandy. For special requests, be sure to clear it with Sandy first. DO NOT bring any drinks or booz! Doing so competes with Fireside Lounge sales. For better turn-out results, be sure to coordinate with other artists that are hanging with you to create an opening together. (This is greatly encouraged but not required to show)
Once you have the date(s) confirmed you can request Fireside Lounge (Sandy) to post your event on their website and social media. You can also send it to Studio 23 & ArtPush for additional help with promotion.
Best of luck and have a great exhibit!
Marketing your work: Optional, but recommended
- Be sure to use social media to market your work.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Tumbler are just a few locations to promote your exhibit. #alamedaartists #Firesidelounge #eastbayart #ArtPush #ArtPushOrg - If you have an opening, (after you have coordinated dates with Fireside) create an official event page using Facebook and invite all of your friends through the event page’s invite button.
- Ask The Fireside Lounge to add your exhibit and/or show to their website, and any email blasts they send out.
- You can also have invites created. If you want help designing a flier visit
- Post your event on
- We often feature Fireside Lounge Artists in our email blast that goes out to over 2000 local art lovers (When applicable).
- Your art may be chosen to be featured on Digifli, a community digital bulletin board (When applicable).
- To reach even more people please friend us on Facebook & instagram so we can help you promote your exhibit.
- We often share your work on social media. Feel free to tag us in related posts. @artpushorg @studio23gallery
- Join our active art group on Facebook where we post ongoing art events in the Alameda area.
Organizations (Art Organizations; Photography clubs, Schools, etc)
- A holding fee of $100 (for all four walls) is due 2 months prior to hanging. (or earlier if possible)
- One person from the organization should be made the main point of contact with ArtPush throughout the application process.
- Just like artists, an art organization is responsible for hanging and selling their own work.