The Local 2020

Studio 23 oversees art for The Local

To submit your artwork to The Local email a photo(s) of your work to:
art at alameda artists dot com (Sound it out, we are avoiding spambots)
Make the subject: ‘The Local Art Submission’.
*Note: Be sure to include your contact information.
Phone: Email: Website: Address:
Artwork does not need to be emailed larger then 72dpi and approx 8×10.  Please do not send original raw hi-res files to our email address.

What you need to know:

  1. Artwork rotates every 2 months. (unless otherwise agreed upon).
  2. Artists are responsible for hanging and pulling down their own work.   Studio 23 will notify you when it is time to hang/pull.
  3. Side Walls: Use picture rail hanging hooks and wire provided.
  4. Back Wall: Small nails and thumbtacks are ok in the back wall only. Anything larger needs to be discussed and approved prior.
  5. Administration & Reservation Fee: $25
    Due date: 2 Months prior to your confirmed show.  Payable via PayPal, you will receive payment information after your work has been accepted.

What you will need to bring with you to hang:

  • Please be sure to bring your own hanging supplies- picture rail hooks provided at The Local.
  • Signed Artist Agreement Form.  Print a copy to bring in with your work the day you hang.
  • Copy/Photo of form emailed to Studio 23 email: art at alameda artists dot com. Make the subject: ‘The Local Form’.
  • Contact information typed separately along with form:  Email, URL, Social Media, Phone, Address. (No photo of this, please type it).
  • Framed and printed bio to hang by your work.
  • Artist price sheet with your personal contact information to hang by art.
  • Painting Information Tags for each piece.

Other Important Information FAQ
1. During what hours/days should artwork be hung? 
Before opening hours 7AM or in the evening after 7 PM. Most evenings are OK, except for Tuesdays.

2. Are the fishline clips adjustable in height?
Yes. Most of the artists are pretty good at making the adjustments. Artists should come early or the day before to check out what is available and determine what they will need to bring.

3. Will The Local always be open from 6 to 9 pm for Alameda’s Second Friday Art Walk that night?
We are usually only open until 8, but we may need to extend on Friday nights to accommodate the Art Walk.
* Please let us know the 2nd Friday you would like to have your opening so we can make special arrangements if possible.  See more information on hosting a 2nd Friday Opening Reception below.

Marketing your work: Optional, but recommended

  • Be sure to use social media to market your work.
    Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Tumbler are just a few locations to promote your show.
  • Share your promotion schedule with The Local, so it can be re-shared and promoted.
  • Plan an official event and coordinate with The Local’s event schedule.
  • Create an event page using Facebook and invite all of your friends through the event page’s invite button.
  • Ask The Local to add your event to their website and social media feeds.
  • You can also have postcards created. If you want help designing a postcard visit

We help market your show!

  • We feature The Local’s Artist in our email blast that goes out to over 2000 local art lovers (When applicable).
  • We share your work on social media.
  • Your art will be featured on Digifli, a community digital bulletin board (When applicable).
  • To reach even more people please friend us on Facebook so we can help you promote your show.
  • Join our art group on Facebook where we post ongoing art events in the Alameda area. 
  • Be sure The Local lists your show on their website.
  • If you plan to do an opening and/or closing on 2nd Friday be sure The Local lists your show on the website.
    * You must request The Local to list your show for you. Listings on this website are for 2nd Friday merchants only.

Selling your work:

It is your job to sell your work.  Be sure to have your contact information on the wall.  You can choose to allow someone to take it with them if they’ve paid. Be sure to replace your sold piece asap.  Work sells better if you do it on the spot, if someone is interested don’t wait!  However this is just a suggestion, if you prefer you can arrange to meet a client in person.  If you choose to arrange a sale over the phone and/or email, feel free to use the following method.

1. Put your phone number up on your tags and bio that accompanies your work.
2. Put your PayPal email (or w/e $ src you use) on the tags and bio.
3. Once the client’s payment has gone through allow them to remove your work to take home on-the-spot.
4. Let The Local know that your art will walk out the door with the buyer, otherwise, they will be stopped from removing the artwork.  The Local: (510) 523-2116.

Important Notes:

  • You can arrange the entire sale over your cell phone, just do not allow the patron to take the work until you see the payment has cleared!
  • Please come in asap to replace the empty spot.
  • The Local and Studio 23 are not responsible for stolen or damaged property.

Opening Reception: (Strongly Encouraged)

The Local allows artists to have an opening reception.  You are in charge of putting it together and working it into the existing events The Local may have previously scheduled.   If you have special requests, then be sure to clear it with The Local first.  And obviously DO NOT bring any drinks or booze! Doing so competes with The Local’s sales.

We suggest you pick 2nd Friday to host your opening reception.  2nd Friday is the night of The Alameda/Jingletown Art Walk.  The art walk happens from 6PM-9PM every 2nd Friday.  In addition, you can also opt to do a closing the following month.  Totally up to you how you set it up.  Keep in mind, The 2nd Friday Artwalk does a lot of promotion to get people out on this night, so it will benefit you to plan your event on a 2nd Friday.

Please get with someone at The Local to discuss the night you want to have your opening reception.

Once you have the date(s) confirmed you can request The Local to have your opening reception listed here 

Artwork comes down at the end of the 2nd month. A pull date will be given to you.  We do not store artwork.  The Local and Studio 23 are not responsible for artworks left beyond the agreed upon pick-up date.  Please be sure you pick your art up at the agreed upon time.  If there is a problem with picking up your art please contact Studio 23 to figure out an alternative date. Email: art at alameda artists dot com

Best of luck and have a great show!

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